Wednesday, September 4- 6:15 to 7:30
We'll be holding our *center-wide* annual Joyful Noise Open House on Wednesday, September 4 from 6:15-7:30. Don't miss this opportunity to meet your child's teachers, be informed about their upcoming year at Joyful Noise, pick up important handouts, have a snack, and let your child give you a tour of the classroom! We hope to see you there!
*Open to the public!
REMINDER: Joyful Noise will be closing early at 5:30 that day to prepare for the Open House. Please promptly pick up your child by or before 5:30 pm. Thank you!
*Open to the public!
REMINDER: Joyful Noise will be closing early at 5:30 that day to prepare for the Open House. Please promptly pick up your child by or before 5:30 pm. Thank you!